Ad Manager navigation

Ad Manager is the most used section of It is the area to create, analyze and optimize campaigns. This article describes how to navigate the Ad Manager.

How to access Ad Manager?


Find the Ad Manager icon at the top of the navigation bar on the left side of the screen. Hover over the Ad Manager icon to access the Ad Manager page or your saved Workspace.



Top navigation


In the top navigation section, you can move through Account, Campaign, Group and Ad level sections within the Ad Manager.


Date and default time periods


In the top right corner, click the date range to open up a calendar view which you can use to select a time period and hit the Apply button. Default options or a custom range can also be selected. Note that the time period for a custom date range is limited to a 90-day span.





A blue Filter icon is located in the upper left corner near the Home icon. Filtration can be done at all levels: account, campaign, group and ad. This option unlocks possibility to use several types of filtration at the same time.


Available types of filtration:



In order to activate the desired filter(s) click a filter type then choose the parameter and press Save.



Selected filter(s) will appear at the top. Any unnecessary filters can be removed by pressing x or changed by directly clicking them.



Majority of filter types are self-explanatory, but here's a brief explanation of two:

  • Currency (filter by Funding source currency)

  • Metric (filter by all available metrics like impressions, installs, cost per purchase, etc.)




In the columns section, you can select one of the predefined metric sets or select the Custom section to create your own set of columns and save them for easy access in the future.



By selecting Custom you will be taken to the column set section where you can choose the metrics you need and Save them as a customized column set.



In the future, you can access your saved column set under My metrics, seen here:





To the right of the Columns section, you can find the Breakdown menu. Here you can choose between 4 types of breakdowns - gender, platform, daily and hourly.



To activate the breakdown select one of the four attributes. On the left side of the Campaign name you will find gray arrows which you can click to see the breakdown for individual campaigns or on the very top arrow for a bulk overview.




Export data


As you may know, export processing on Twitter can take some time, while in it downloads instantly. You will find the Export to Excel option to the right of the Columns and Breakdown options.



Note: when clicking the Export to Excel, the system exports all metrics currently displayed on the dashboard. 




Click the graphs icon to view campaign trends for a variety of metrics - by date or other chosen dimension. For example, view the CPM trend by date to see if traffic costs have become stable or are declining when deciding to buy more traffic.


Access this tool by clicking the graph icon in the upper right corner:



Two graphs will appear immediately where you can choose to display two metrics and two dimensions for each graph. Below you can see an example of one of the graphs.





In the Account view, you can create your own workspace for customized access. Choose the accounts, metrics and graphs needed and in the upper right corner and then click Save your workspace. Name the workspace so you can easily find it in the future and click the Save button. The workspace can be accessed on the home screen or via the Ad Manager in the upper right corner.



After saving your own workspace you will also see it on the home screen.