Automatic UTM tags

Save your time by creating a UTM code template.

To save time when creating campaigns and ads, you can set a UTM tag template that will automatically be added to campaigns and can extract parameters such as Campaign name, Group name and Card name. Here is a step-by-step guide explaining how to set UTM tags and where they will be shown later.


Please, keep in mind the following:

1. UTM tags will be added only to newly created ads that were created after you set the automatic UTM tag.

2. If you change a campaign name later on, the UTM tag won't be changed.



Add UTM tags preset on account level:


1. In the account on the campaign level, choose Edit.



2. In the window, expand the Advanced section and choose URL trackers. This is where we will be setting the template for the UTM tracker.



3. By clicking the +URL tracker button, you will see available default dimensions that can be set. Either choose All or each needed UTM tag separately to create a template that will later be added to new creatives.


It is possible to change dimensions as well as add your own metrics. Later on, when creating ads, you can make changes on the ad level to the UTM tag.


You can change the default UTM preset at any time. The new preset will apply to new ads created after you saved the new preset.


4. When you are happy with your preset, press Save.


Where UTM tags will be shown:


When adding new creatives in, within the card creation workflow, your first step will look like this - the UTM trackers field will be pre-populated with the template saved previously.



At this step you can make changes to the UTM parameters for this specific ad.


Preview for the link will be available as well.



Campaign name was extracted from the actual campaign name and the Card name was added from the card name we added. This is the link that will be added to the card, or cards, if you are creating them in bulk. Proceed with the card creation by pressing Next and the process is complete.