Autopilot setup

As you create a more complex account structure, it becomes more and more complex to manage the account. You can turn on Autopilot that will manage the bids across multiple campaigns and ad groups for the target KPIs and daily budgets that you set. 

How to turn on Autopilot:

1. Choose the account you'd like to add Autopilot to, and open the Autopilot setting. This can be done by pressing three dots next to the name of the account. You can find the three dots here:


At the account entity view:


At the filter view:


2. In the Autopilot section, go to KPI and budget under AutopilotAnd create a new Autopilot.


3. In the Autopilot settings: 

- Give the name of the Autopilot 

- Select the type of the campaign objective (App Installs and Website clicks objectives are available for Autopilot)

- Choose the campaigns you'd like to use Autopilot for. In this view you will only see campaigns that are active

- Set the total daily spend limit that Autopilot should not exceed or select Unlimited

- Set the target KPI across chosen campaigns that Autopilot should optimize towards

- If you wish to receive notifications about the changes, leave your email in the alerts section. 

- Press Save


Autopilot uses AI algorithm to predict the actual results at the ad group level while trying to maintain the average result in the target. In complex account setup cases (with multiple campaigns and ad groups), Autopilot is an excellent automation to maximize the results. 

Autopilot only works with ad group bids, so the actual result may be influenced by many other factors like creative fatigue, ad group targeting, and campaign/ad group budget limits.



Currently available optimisations based on campaign objective:

App Installs

Website Clicks


CPAU (Cost Per Achievement Unlocked)

Cost per sign up 


CPE (Cost per engagement)

CPAU (Cost Per Achievement Unlocked)

- Post Engagement

eCPC (Links)


CPC (Apps)



CPC (Links)

Roas (Google)



Cost per Goal1 completion (Google)



Cost per Goal2 completion (Google)



Cost per conversion 

- site visit target




CPSU (Sign Ups, Conversions)


CPSU (Sign Ups, Conversions)

- Post Engagement


CPTC (Cost Per Tutorial Completed)


CPTC (Cost Per Tutorial Completed)

- Post Engagement


Cost Per Custom App Events

- Add To Carts


Cost Per Mobile Conversion Spent Credit