Campaign setup with Automatic Catalog Ads

To launch a campaign with Automatic Catalog Ad feed, make sure your feed is first approved by the team.

Feed import into account

As soon as you have created your feed and the feed has been approved, import it into your account.


In the account, click the 3 dots next to the account name and select Edit.


Under the Advanced
section, select Import product feed.


In the top right corner of the window, click the + Product feed button.

Name the feed and add a link to Google Sheets document. Press Create to add the feed.



The feed has now been added to the account and can be connected to ad groups.



Adding feed to groups

To start using the feed for automatic ad creation, you will need to attach it to the groups where you need ads to be updated by the feed.

Create a campaign the usual way by using the + Campaign button in the top right corner on the campaign level. Feed is added during the group creation step.

When you are in group creation window, fill in the group name, ad targets and bidding. Once the usual workflow is completed you can then proceed with adding feed to the group.

Under Keyword Targeting you will see Ad Creation From Feed. Click to expand.

Put a checkmark for the Create ads in this group from a product feed and select the feed from the list.


When the feed is chosen, you can enable continuous reimport of the feed that will automatically upload new ads, or activate/pause existing ads, depending on changes in your feed, per selected schedule.

If you usually update ads every 7 days, we recommend reimporting the feed every 7 days.



When all targeting is set, bidding is selected and the group is named, and the feed is attached as well, you can press Save in the top right corner.


At the next step, you will be taken to the ad creation workflow. You will need to close this window by pressing "x" in the top right corner.

All your ads will be created from the feed in the next 30 minutes.

If you are experiencing some problems or ads weren't created after 30 minutes, please let us know by reaching out to us via the chatbox.