Conversation cards setup

Sign in to your account. Head to the Ad Manager and access the ad account. Open the campaign creation workflow by using the + Campaign button in the upper right corner.



Create a campaign with the Engagement objective if you will be using an image ad. Or for a video ad choose the Video views objective.



Once done with the group creation, under the Create new section, select Image Conversation Card (Engagement objective).



Or select Video Conversation Card for the Video views objective.




1. Fill in the details of the conversation card.

    • Card name
    • Headline (required only for cards with a one-choice hashtag)
    • Hashtags as choices
    • CTA Tweet texts that will serve as a pre-populated Tweet when user interacts with your card
    • Thank you text (appears after a user has tweeted your message - 23 chars max)
    • Thank you URL (optional URL to drive a user to after they’ve set up the card- 23 chars max)


2. At the second step choose the media - image or video.


Card images must be at least 800px in width and less than 3MB in size. In case the image is not in the 1:1 or 1.91:1 ratio, you can crop it after the upload.


3. Preview and click Create card.



Back in the ad creation workflow add the Tweet text and optionally ad name and in the upper right corner click Create x ads.