Heart2Remind - FAQ


Trigger Tweet - a Tweet that has to be liked in order to receive a reminder, our call-to-action Tweet.

Reply - Tweets that are sent out after the Trigger Tweet is liked. They can be immediate or delayed with a fixed date and time.

Reminder - a set of replies that can consist only of an immediate reply or of an immediate reply and one/many fixed date and time replies.


Q: What do I need to have to launch Heart2Remind (#H2R)?

A: You need to have an account with Wise.blue and a connected advertiser handle. You also need materials for your Tweet that will act as the Trigger Tweet and materials for reminder replies.

Q: What can I use as a reminder?

A: You can launch a simple Tweet, a Tweet with a full-length link, a Tweet with an image or video, or a Tweet with Website or App card.

Q: How long can the reminder be?

A: Maximum 210 symbols.

Q: What type of responses can I send?

A: You can share two types of responses: immediate (obligatory), but also those with a fixed day and time.

Q: What statistics are available for Heart2Remind (#H2R)?

A: The Trigger Tweet is promoted through the Ads Manager and comes with standard reporting. Replies are organic Tweets and will not be measurable by the Ads Manager. However, Wise.blue will give you information on the total number of likes on your Trigger Tweets and the total number of Replies.

Q: How can I track website clicks generated by a reminder?

A: While we can’t report outbound clicks, the advertiser can track inbound website visits from the Wise.blue reminder by using unique URLs for specific campaigns. We suggest adding UTM tracking to URLs for Google Analytics or consulting with your in-house web analytics team to determine the best way to manage your tracking.

Q: What if the number of likes on the Trigger Tweet is higher than shown in Wise.blue?

A: Wise.blue can't detect likes from private accounts and won't include users who fail to pass the brand safety filters.

Q: What objectives should be used to promote the Trigger Tweet?

A: To maximize likes on your Trigger Tweet, we recommend using the ‘Tweet engagements’ objective, making likes a billable occurrence.

Q: When should the advertiser stop promoting the Trigger Tweet?

A: The advertiser should stop promoting the Trigger Tweet when the immediate and fixed date replies are sent, or when the campaign is scheduled to end if the reminder consists only of an immediate reply.

Q: Can the Trigger Tweet be used for First View or Promoted Trend Spotlight?

A: Yes. The Trigger Tweet can be used in a First View or as a companion Tweet for a Promoted Trend/Promoted Trend Spotlight. We recommend creating a promoted-only Trigger Tweet in Wise.blue at least one day prior to its publication, so that it can be associated with the campaigns in advance and ready to go at midnight.

Q: How long can a Heart2Remind (#H2R) campaign run?

A: Heart2Remind campaign can run for a maximum of 60 days from the moment you share your Trigger Tweet to the last fixed date reply.

Q: How soon do I need the reminder Tweets ready?

A: You need at least one immediate reply to your Trigger Tweet in order to set up the Heart2Remind campaign. Reminders can later be populated with fixed date and time replies up to 10 minutes before they are due to be sent.

Q: Can a campaign be edited once it is scheduled?

A: You are able to carry out edits on targeting, campaign budgets, bids a fixed date and time replies up until 10 minutes before they are due to be sent. Authorized accounts cannot be changed. Trigger Tweets can only be recreated and should be reconnected with a reminder. To change immediate replies connected to Trigger Tweets, you need to redo the whole reminder set.

Q: What can I edit after a campaign goes live?

A: You are able to complete edits on targeting, campaign budgets and bids. You can also edit your fixed date and time replies up to 10 minutes before they are due to be sent. You cannot edit Trigger Tweets and immediate replies. Authorized accounts can also not be altered once live.

Q: What are the creative specs for media in Heart2Remind (#H2R)?

A: At the moment, only images can be launched as a reminder. All media has to follow Twitter's Creative Ad Specs.

Q: Can I put a card in the Trigger Tweets?

A: Yes, you can use both the App Cards or the Website Cards as your Trigger Tweet.

Q: Why did I/my advertiser not receive a reply after liking the Trigger Tweet?

A: The most common reason users don’t receive a response is because their account is protected/private or the Trigger Tweet was liked earlier than 10 minutes after the Trigger Tweet was published.

Q: How long will it take to send out all the replies?

A: Replies are sent at the maximum rate of 2 Tweets per second; this is the default rate limit for verified accounts. At 2 Tweets per second, Wise.blue can send out 7,200 Tweets per hour. Replies should be planned accordingly and allow the necessary buffer time to ensure all users receive their notification by the desired time.


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