Heart2Remind - Specifications

What you need to know before launching a Heart2Remind campaign.

Connect with your followers and engage them in conversation with our Heart2Remind (#H2R) solution. Drive anticipation and engagement encouraging users to like your Tweet. In return, they will receive your exclusive content - a reminder or a treat - through a Tweet mention which only they can see.


After a user likes the initial Tweet (the "Trigger Tweet"), they can receive two types of responses:

  • Immediate (required and can act just as a simple thank-you Tweet, e.g. "Thank you for liking")
  • Scheduled, on a certain day and time (you can schedule multiple response Tweets)


 The following types of responses can be crafted:

  • Tweet text (maximum 210 symbols)
  • Tweet with a link (without link shorteners and maximum 210 symbols in total)
  • Tweet containing an image
  • Tweet containing a video
  • Tweet with an app or website cards

Your Twitter advertiser handle has to be connected to a Wise.blue account. Admin level access is not enough to use Heart2Remind.

If the handle is not connected to Wise.blue:

    • We can create access to Wise.blue for your client and send a step-by-step guide on how to connect the handle
    • Or you can share your Twitter advertiser handle password with a Wise.blue manager, who will then carry out the connection. Privacy is ensured.



Before starting, make sure that:

  • Materials for the Trigger tweet have been created in Wise.blue (whether it is website cards, app cards, etc.)
  • Thank you Tweets (immediate response Tweets) are ready
  • Dates, times and materials for the follow-up response(s) are in place (optional)

Important: Your Trigger Tweet and immediate response need to be set up together and from the start. Likes from a Trigger Tweet will be collected only if the immediate response has been properly added.