Media metrics

Impressions - The number of times your ad is shown to users.

Spend - Total spend amount of the campaign.

CPM - Cost per mile (thousand impressions). Calculation: Spend/Impressions*1000

Reach - Number of people that saw your ad.

Avg. Frequency - The average number of times your ad was served to each user. Calculation: Impressions/Reach

Engagements - Any type of engagement with your ad. For example - like, video view, reply, comment, follow etc.

EGx - Engagement rate. Calculation: Engagements/Impressions*100

Clicks (app clicks, link clicks) - First engagement that drives the user to the goal of your ad.

CTR - Click through rate. Calculation: Clicks/Impressions*100

CPC - Average cost per click. Calculation: Spend/Clicks

Campaign pacing - The rate at which your campaign is delivering budget. Campaign pacing can be calculated on daily or total time period.