Spend limit alerts

Twitter is a highly trend based platform, meaning that if the promoted ad starts to trend the campaign costs can increase very fast. To ease up campaign monitoring you can set up email alerts that you will receive the minute campaigns have overspent the target budget. 


How to turn on the Spend limit alert Autopilot:


1. Choose the Wise.blue account you'd like to add Autopilot to, and open the Autopilot settings. This can be done by using the 3 dots contextual menu next to the name of the account, either at the account entity view:



Or in the filters:



2. In the Autopilot section go to Budget.



And continue with creating a new Autopilot by using the + Autopilot button in the upper right corner.



3. Now a new window will open - fill in the required info.


- Give a name to the alert 

- Choose if you wish to track a specific Twitter ad account or all ad accounts that are connected with a handle to Wise.blue

- Choose if you wish to track all campaigns (for that ad account) or each campaign separately

- Choose if you wish to receive alerts on a daily or hourly basis

- Set the spend limit that will trigger the notificatiom email

- Enter the email address that Wise.blue should send the alert to. You can add multiple addresses by using the '+' button.

- Press Save in the upper right corner.