User permissions management [Agencies only]

With an agency account you can grant access to your colleagues, clients, or anyone else that would need access to a specific account. The two access levels that an agency manager can grant are: agency manager and client (read only).


How to add a new user via your agency account:


1. Navigate to the User management section in the left navigation.



2. Click the + User account button that can be found in the top right corner.



3. Fill out the user account details:
    1. Choose an agency to which the new user will be added. This is only relevant to users that are managing multiple agencies. If you’d like to add a user to multiple agency accounts, please reach out to your administrator.
    2. Personal data which contains: name, surname and the company the person is from. Filling these will ease user management, as you will easily be able to distinguish between different users.
    3. Login details containing email and password. We recommend using a service such as One-Time Secret to send the password to the user.
    4. Access level - Either Agency user or Client user (read only). If you choose the Client user option you will also need to choose the account you’d like to add the person to.
    5. Press Save and share the login details with the user. The platform does not send login details to the user automatically. account structure is large advertiser ready. If you'd like to add users in bulk with different access levels than mentioned above, please reach out to your administrator.